When in our history have we ever seen a time such as this in America? With our unsustainable, ballooning mountain of debt, our voluminous and incomprehensible burden of unconstitutional regulations, our never-ending, overseas military conquests, our wide-open, never-closing border, and our increasingly attacked civil liberties, why haven’t we as Americans in great numbers stood up to say enough is enough?
Why has it become fashionable for us to accept the levels of deficit spending and mounting debt accumulated and facilitated by Congress? In every previous instance when too much debt has accumulated, the result has been catastrophic for the civilization that accrued it. Why do we, as Americans think that we can escape the same fate? Do we think we’re special? A $1.2 Trillion spending bill is a slap in the face to every American. The clock keeps ticking and it won’t stop until it ends in disaster for all of us.
The debt alone is troubling, but the other problems are very serious. Cumulatively and singly, they should scare every American because they drastically threaten our quality of life. Yet, millions of Americans are still oblivious to what’s taking place. Those people will be shocked when the dollar finally collapses, or when they get taken to jail for writing an article like this one and posting it on the internet. Oooops! Sorry Big Brother. I didn’t mean to hurt your fragile feelings!
Americans across the country are seeing tent cities pop up in urban areas. They are seeing the number of homeless people climb and they are watching the demographics of their areas changing as a result of mass migration around and into the country. Meanwhile, the military-industrial complex is raking in the dough with contracts to build weapons that will undoubtedly be sent to battlefields far, far away from the Continental United States. They will be used to reduce foreign cities to rubble, doubling the homeless numbers in those places and killing countless numbers of innocent civilians. Then, per the formula for making money, the deep state will send its construction contractors to these places to rebuild. War is quite the racket, especially when it is not officially declared!
But Wait, There’s More!
I’m sorry if this article reads like doom and gloom but I’ll get to the good part soon. This story has a happy ending. Trust me.
I’ve been sounding the alarm about the education system in America for over half my life. I’ve been warning people about the communist infiltration at the highest levels of the Department of Education for as long as I can remember. The communists infiltrated the education system long ago. One of their first achievements was to establish government-run schools. Another early achievement was to eliminate school prayer. Nowadays, they can influence the curriculum in a school from a Federal and local level through stipulations attached to federal funding and by sitting on school boards. They have succeeded in lowering the intelligence and achievements of most Americans by simply controlling the information they learn at an early age. If I could figure this out as a young adult, then why can’t most others do the same? More importantly, why don’t most people care enough to do something about it? Is it because they don’t want to deal with the problem? They will sooner or later. Is it because they don’t know how to fix it? Perhaps, but the solution isn’t complicated.
The education system in the United States isn’t the only one to be infiltrated by the commies. They have captured darn near everything at this point. They control the media, the medical system, most sectors of the economy, and most of the corporations. They control Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Government. They’re very pervasive in a lot of ways.
True education of the mind and heart teaches and requires self-government. Self-government calls for the active cultivation of intellectual and moral excellence and humility before our Creator. It commands courage in pursuit of justice and diligence in performing the duties of scholarship. Self-government instructs each person to hold honor sacred.
Self Governance
Would your life be better if someone else told you how to live your life? Or, would you prefer to live your life how you see fit? Do you need someone telling you what car to drive, what phone to use, what clothes to wear, what house to buy, and what memes you can post on social media? Are you happy with your health care? Do you like visiting doctors who push drugs (pharmaceuticals) on you? If you’re like me, then you are ready for a change.
“Self-governance, self-government, or self-rule is the ability of a person or group to exercise all necessary functions of regulation without intervention from an external authority.”
The American system of governance is predicated on the concept that the people are best able to govern themselves. However, the people govern themselves best when they are educated. This is why I have fought for a good education system in the United States. Despite my best efforts, it has not been enough. The commies still control most of it today. They have dumbed down enough people that we may be entering a period of decline in the United States. The American Dream is at risk of becoming the American Nightmare, an Orwellian State, that most are blissfully unaware of.
By and large, the American people no longer have an education that serves them. It now serves another purpose. I believe that purpose is sinister and evil. I believe it could bring about the end of personal liberty. How can we govern ourselves if we are incapable of critical thinking and analysis? Fortunately, there are still good people who are making a difference. They are people like you. If you’re reading this, then it is because you care enough to fight for the cause of Liberty. It is because you still believe, as I do, in the American Dream. Don’t stop fighting. Ever. The Cause of Liberty isn’t just a noble cause. It is our very way of life. It is the fabric underlying the quality of our lives and the lives of every future generation. Fighting now is also fighting for the future of your country and the lives of every future generation.
All Hope is Not Lost/What Can Be Done
It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant attacks coming from every direction. That’s the strategy the deep state/globalists/communists use against us. This is a form of warfare, designed to attack your mind. First, you must recognize this, and second, you must be ready to resist it. They cannot win if you resist. Don’t succumb to constant attempts to control your mind. Declare your independence! Take action by decreeing that you are free! Then, actively resist on every level by seeking knowledge. Educate yourself and sharpen your capacity to read, think, and analyze critically. Sharpen your capacity for deep thinking and reasoning. These are the first few steps one must take before taking the country back. Acquire knowledge about our Nation’s history and the concept of self-governance.
Then, get involved with your community. Yes! I know this is the difficult part, but this problem is not going away on its own. We must get involved at some point. It’s only a matter of how difficult you want things to be. Do you want to wait until the problem is worse than it is now or do you want to intervene before it gets to a point where it is too late to do anything?
We are still quite free at this moment in history. It hasn’t become so bad that we can’t turn things around yet and the way we can do that is to get involved. I don’t think we can vote our way out of this but we have to continue voting and contacting representatives and elected officials. That much is a given.
I have some additional ideas about what can be done. They are:
Run for precinct committeeman
Run for school board positions
Run for elected offices in your county
Show up to school board meetings
Show up to County Meetings
Run for City/Town Council
Show up to City/Town Council meetings
Stay in regular contact with State Legislators
Organize and host town hall meetings
Organize and create parallel systems of committees for governance, communication, security, and economy.
Volunteer with a nonprofit organization like Turning Point USA or the Convention of States Project.
Talk to friends, family, and neighbors about National and local issues affecting your community and develop a plan for addressing them.
These ideas involve some type of action on the individual level to motivate other individuals to take action. The individual must decide to take responsibility for oneself, ceding only the necessary authority for a governing body to provide the least invasive means to govern. This point gets to the very core of the social contract, that the government derives its authority from the consent of the governed.
I cannot emphasize enough that the very fabric of the American Social Contract depends on the people’s ability to stay informed enough to govern themselves. I should not need to point out how critical it is to have access to information for this to take place. It is paramount for individuals to gather information, decipher information, and make informed decisions based on the gathered information. The current information war taking place jeopardizes this process and therefore the future of the Republic.
Final Thoughts
It is my opinion that if We The People do not soon unify for the cause of our own lives, liberty, and well-being, something catastrophic will result from our inaction. I view the blueprint in Article V of the U.S. Constitution as our best hope. It describes a way for us to peacefully assemble via our States to write amendments to the Constitution. Once assembled, we can address the country’s problems by writing amendments to correct them. It provides a pathway for the citizens to return to self-governance and living free.
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